
Every successful company is carried by an actively lived strategy. However, successful corporate strategies change minimum every 10 years depending on market dynamics. Our experience shows that approx. only 25% of enterprises document and regularly update their strategies. Furthermore, less than half of these enterprises have managed to convert their strategy into measurable targets. Consequently, the determination of success is not really possible and, more importantly, immediate activities ensuring long-term success cannot be initiated and monitored.

This is frustrating for entrepreneurs, but more importantly, the motivation of teams cannot be ensured as insecurity and anguish arises, which in return entails many negative consequences.

Your added value resulting from strategy consulting together with 3connected GmbH:

We act as sparring partner and create fresh impulses. We analyses your business model (for instance with the methodology of the St. Gallen Business model navigator) and detect opportunities for modification with the aim to strengthen your value proposition to secure and enlarge your market potential.

Strategy consulting by 3connected is carried out in three consecutive phases.

Strategy Consulting

- Fast and pragmatic analysis of current situation (SWOT Analysis)
- Support through fresh concepts based on market-independent experience, creativity and impulses far away from your daily business (thinking out of the box)
- Reality check with experienced specialist from the 3connected network

Choice of Strategy

- External feasibility check of first ideas and concepts (see sales consulting)
- Internal check for business model feasibility (resources, investments, rough calculation)
- Development of realistic milestones and targets based on existing dependencies. Focusing on main driving factors of growth, return rate and risk, which have to be coordinated due to their frequently competing nature in order to carve out a balanced strategy (“cooking receipt”)

Detailed Business Strategy as Decision-making Basis

- Articulation of the strategy with a focus on the measurability, objectivity and divisibility (vision, targets, milestones, and values) of specific targets
- Feasibility check through simulation in order to create a transparent and modifiable plan which can be delegated (management cockpit)
- Optional separation of an individual controlling tool (early warning system/dashboard)